Purely Magical, the fanlisting for the relationship between
Tara Maclay and Willow Rosenberg, from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. If you're a fan of these two, please
join to become a listed member! Thank you to
Chrisie for her members list! ♥ This site is listed with
The Fanlistings Network.
The last update was made on 28th February 2025 when Spencer, and Sora joined or updated their information. We have a total fan count of 2370, from 82 countries, and 0 pending.
© thevampireslayer.net. The beautiful layout was designed by
Lorian. I am not any of the actors or anyone involved with the show. This site exists purely for entertainment purposes and I have no way of reaching anyone from BtVS. I'm merely a fan of the show and this couple.